The KoldHavn Team

Clara, Steven, Shelly, Berta

About Us

Welcome to Koldhavn, a Better Outdoors Company. 

Koldhavn is a project created by three friends in California who share the same ideals and love for our planet. Our goal is to produce high-quality products that better reflect our needs as well as our passions. 

The KoldVorna Story & Why We Started KoldHavn. 

During a frigid winter trip to Scandanavia in 2010, we three founders discovered the "Vorna," which roughly means "hug" in many local languages. The Vorna, a woolen wrap that village people told us had kept them warm for at least centuries, was how we survived for weeks in the Arctic circle.

Upon our return to the US, our co-founder Shelly recreated the Vorna with the help of her Swedish grandmother Berta, tinkering with colors and styles for a few years. With the help of Berta, we created a whole new technical version of the vorna, and we're so excited to share it with the world.

 Our Core Beliefs

As a company, we agreed to four core tenets, and you'll never see us stray from them:

  1. Make everything as ethically as possible. No shortcuts, no cheap labor. 
  2. Do good for the planet. Earth is our home. Let's do what we can to take care of it.
  3. Use only the highest quality materials. We want our products to last a lifetime, so we use the best materials we can find.
  4. Give the best customer experience. In the end, this is what we want to achieve. We use our own products just as much as we want you to, so we're thinking about you every step of the way.


Highest Quality, Ethically-Sourced Materials

Materials: We only use the world's highest quality wool and cashmere, sourced carefully, gathered humanely.

Labor: We pay FAIR, living wages and reward everyone involved in our company with ownership. Essentially, we believe if you care enough to put your life into koldhavn, you should own it.

Building a Better, More Sustainable World.

Through more equitable workplace standards and environmentalism at our core, we seek to be an example for other companies to emulate.

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